Tuesday, April 8, 2014

"Nearly all men can stand adversity but give him power and you will see a change." - Abraham Lincoln. This means a man can be just average and live a regular lifestyle , but the second he is given power everything changes. He will not know how to control himself such as him making bad choices or what to do. This is very easy to agree with, because a person a person who has never had much power or control over anything and there will be hue changes in that person's attitude. This can clearly be seen in The Rise of Nine by Pittacus Lore. Power is the center point of this novel, there are nine teenagers who want to be in control of the world. To take over the world these teenagers plan many things out and recruit members to gain power. They try to overthrow the government but it doesn't it work they realize they need much power.


  1. Your introduction is straight, you just had a couple of misspelled words you also need a better thesis.

  2. You need to start your quote off with Abraham Lincoln said, and then add in what he said. Your thesis was a little hard to find, and you had a few misspelled words. In your agreement sentence go back and fix where it says a person because you said it twice. Everything else was really good and very well written.

  3. Your overall analysis over the quote was well done. However, I recommend that you rearrange the placement of the quote to make it look like it's in paragraph form. Additionally, I noticed that your thesis statement was broken up into three parts; your thesis statement should only be one sentence.On a more positive note, you strayed away from the first person.

  4. Good start with the quote but you need to make some changes you repent a person and the title of the book needs to be under line and there not three points. good work tj
